Sunday, July 12, 2009





小学用各族的母语教数理,那是因为小孩还小,简直不能胜任去用英语念众多科学的名称如:natural phenomenon,manipulated variables,inferences.这些(还有更多)都是在时下小四科学书本里看到的。小五科学的笔记跟中一也似乎没啥两样。这也隐约的传达了一个讯息:教材没有好好规划就推进校园。消化不良啊!胃涨得厉害啊!



现在的宣布:小学用母语,中学用国语,大学用英语。。。。。哈哈哈,Malaysia truly hebat的!





susie said...

Yes,you are on the right point.Most of the politicians either agree to the reversion to BM in the secondary form or ignore the issue.How disappointing ,master.

lavender said...

How come the politicians have no sense to think about how they had their primary and secondary education, I know I am younger than most the politicians and still feel so happy I had chinese medium in Primary school and English medium in secondary school, even though we had our tough time in transition class but we still managed to cope with it, we are even better than those who came from English school students, especially in our maths and A. maths.
Have to ask our Education Minister to consult those ministers in 1945-80s.
Just make all the secondary schools as English medium schools, it will be the best among all. It is the only way that the students will come up to be as good as foreign students when they further their studies overseas. At the moment, I think only 5% of the students who can still compete with foreigners.

sunflower said...

You will be surprised if I tell you that a teacher from secondary school pronounce orange juice as o lan zui, shame on him, so his name had changed to o lan zui liao. He is teaching in our town famous school. Luckily the students not followed him that o lan zui type.
He pronounced Michelle as me chi li, Rochelle as ro chi li.
what is the problem with him? Need to send him to the rubbish bin, no standard in teaching.

bright said...

hahah.........sunflower,your description is funny. o lan zui. my goodness!!! pity to see this kind of guy become teacher!

Master said...

thanks for you people's support here.

It is again disappointing that till now,there is few or no politician raises up voices to against the reversion.

Friends,tell more of your friends to come and support the poll on my front page.Your voices would be heard then by the authorities concerned.