Friday, April 18, 2008




但这户居民就没有如此的运气.他们是Pujut 3 的一个小康之家.事情已很清楚的刊登在诗华版4月10日的A26版.

我这次真的按奈不住了,因为那个手提电脑得主人是一位念七号的学生.当他得知手提电脑被偷窃之后,大哭一场.原因是他那天(4月10日)就要用手提电脑参加校际辩论比赛,所有预备的质料都以储存在手提电脑,待比赛时就可以派上用场,但手提电脑被偷了怎么上场呢?怎么跟队友,老师交代呢?这样的事情随时都有可能发生在另一个家庭里.我除了伤心,也很气愤.更甚的是贼徒已拿好一把水果刀要上楼再干案,若不是男主人恰巧回家,那后果可不堪设想!我们人民可是白天劳累,死命挣些养活妻儿大小的生活费,但晚上应该是休息时刻,却如今变成睡都不安宁了.呜呼唉哉 !!!

这个屋偷窃案只是冰山一角,其实美里的治安早就亮起了红灯,但为何不见YB替我们人民做些安抚我们的事呢?YB不是yang berkhidmat吗?要berkhidmat,之后才能变berhormat.为何警方还是说美里的治安尚好,是一些小案件增加而已,这是不是自欺欺人呢?要怎样的案件才算是大案件呢?难道要杀人放火才算大案件?


太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!! 太恐怖了!!!



治安不安却又是另一个恶梦,谁能保证你出去逛街之后,你的骄车一定还park在原处;,谁敢保证他的屋子没被贼徒看上?现在金银手饰不能戴,女人最喜欢的手提包不能背,朋友们,美里的治安早已经响起警钟了.我们不是有警方吗?但是很讽刺的是在同一日当Pujut3的居民还在警魂之中时,美里警区主任由玛鲁汀助理总临却说:''小案件提高罪案数据,''美里治安尚好(诗华日报 2008.4.10日A2)

Dear Mirian,美里 现在是一个城市了,试问警察所增加了吗?Pujut 1 till Pujut 10 ,Krokop,Piasau 有警所否?单靠市中心的 那个警察所怎麽会 够应服目前治安如此遭糕的美里啊!!!!各位,你们自己保重哦!!可能我们要买samurai 或枪之类来保护自己,so Miri may like a cowboy city lo.

During election campaign,some BN nominee promised to 做牛做马,now we have big troubles,where is he?who is actually serving MiriAN?The dap candidate,though lost to BN, still continue to serve us.I sincerely urge all of us to surf to look up for more infomation about DAP.That is our hope.


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有个人路过麦田,发现有头没有 角的牛,便问村民,''这头牛为什么没有犄角?''


sibu penguin said...

This is my first trip to this blog, a good start. Congrats!
Further to the topic, I think there is one expert Mr. Lee Chong Yu from USA who came back to Miri to visit his parents-in-law talking about Miriin his speech, he reckoned that if the cases in Miri not decreasing, one day Miri will become GHOST CITY. I think he is right as we can see so many incidents happened in Miri and ministers and YB and also police chief still denied and said Miri is very peaceful(not only Miri, throughtout Sarawak and Sabah).Civilians have no money to employ security guards and who will give us our security?? I think they prefer to wait and see "live action movie" only then they say actions need to be taken. Mr. Lee emphasised that somebody really needs to work harder already, only then Miri will be a peaceful place for tourists and give all Mirians a secured environment to live.

Anonymous said...

recently,security guardscompany start to establish in Miri.This should not be allowed as we got dear Mr Policemen n policewomen who live on our income taxes.Why do we need to spend unnecessary money on employing guards?then whaT SHOULD THE POLCE FORCE DO?sHAKE LEGS???

Anonymous said...

A farmer had a very valuable cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet.

“What’s the problem?” the vet asked him when he arrived.

“My cow’s very sick,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what’s the matter with her. She is lying down and won’t stand up. She won’t eat and she is making a strange noise.”

The vet looked at the cow.

“She is certainly sick,” he said, “and she needs to take some very strong medicine.”

He took a bottle out of his case, and put two pills into his hand.

“Give her these,” he said. “They should make her better.”

“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.

The vet gave him a long tube.

“Put this tube in her mouth,” he said, “then put the pills in the tube and blow. That will make her swallow them.”

The vet went away.

The next day he came to the far again.. The farmer was sitting outside his house looking very miserable.

“How is your cow?” the vet asked.

“No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

“Oh?” the vet said. “Why?”

“I did what you said,” the farmer explained. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.”

“And?” the vet asked.
“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.

hehehehehe ^_______^