Friday, February 13, 2009

re-surfacing and re-tarring all roads in Miri?

The weather in Miri is finally fine after few months of raining.But the rains has left

many unwelcomed" presents" on the roads,the numerous potholes on the most

roads,esp in Pujut areas.The potholes on the roads has caused many unnecessary

monetary loss to many road users and it also threatens the safety of the motorcyclists.

What a nuisance to drive on such bumpy roads !It is uncomfortable and dangerous as

well .It
caused my front wheel dented.My friend had her two front tyres punctured

during CNY as she suddenly dipped into an invisible deep pothole.Can you imagine

the impact on the wheel?Of course,she had to end up no car to use during CNY as

most shops are closed during that festive
period.What a nasty experience!

Thumbs up to the MMC as quite immediate remedial action was carried out the

day---------to mend the potholes and shallow depressions .

But,but it was by patching method.

The relief to the road users become a nightmare again after another heavy rainfall.

The patching also appeared so unpleasant esp having a city status like Miri.

I wonder does the MMC ever enforce any standard specification for Tar Road in

Miri?The Tar shall conform to the standard specification prescribed especially the
total bitumen content to use.

If this is not strictly enforced on the contractors,it is just obvious that the

consequences are wasting money and to have forever "lousy"roads in Miri.

The MMC spokesmen and JKR spokesmen shall really sit down and study seriously

this tar road problem in Miri .Miri city shall welcome all the foreign visitors with

reliable tar roads if she wants to boost her tourism.Of course,we , being faithful

Mirians,deserve the good conditioned tar road no matter in the sunny or even

monsoon months.MMC and JKR,we have great hopes on you.How about a

re-surfacing and re -tarring all the roads in our lovely city,Miri as soon as possible?


Anonymous said...

friend,u have pointed something which always be ignored.
proud of u! Brave to voice!

it is a NEED to re-surfacing and re-tarring.come on MMC...start planning!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish that townplanners will agree to upgrade the road conditions in Miri,a city status.