Friday, June 5, 2009

"gorek"his hand to show you are unhappy!

Latest and useful stuff:

If you are obliged to shake hands with a "Big Head","gorek"his or her hand while shaking hand.This is a silent but secret signal.Ps read for more information .But I burst into laughter after finish reading the news on the dramatic escape of the 17-years-old model from Indonesia.Thanks God for the smooth journey to peace.

written by SweetNoob, June 05, 2009
If you walked around anywhere in Malaysia with the PM, please try to shake as many hands as you can. We the Rakyat want to give you our "korek" signals also.

P/S Please use 2 inch gloves or else your hand will be "korek" off.


ne.....nek said...

^_ _^

master said...



why speechless?

terlalu letih atau gembira atau sedih?

Jaga sendiri o.

ne.....nek said...

dik,ahnek terlampau penat..................besar tekananku