Saturday, April 18, 2009

Are you furious over certain unsolvable issue?

If so,calm down,take a deep breath ;think of this friendly blog.Come here and we can have a relaxable chat accompanied by soothing songs and endless cups of chinese tea.Dear friends,life is still sweet and challenging then.


boss berani said...

pagi tadi saya masih ingat satu perkara yg mengeramkan hati. atan dibom, madai dgn darah merah. inspector hilang dlm hutan yg merah-merah,pakar dilepas terbang jauh jauh dgn kapal yg merah.2 mada lagi skg tunggu digantung madai dgn tali yg panjang dan merah. jeep car pula,senyum dan ketawa dgn bibir merah-merah

laughduck said...

fani pic. Nyak...Nyak...

master said...

we civilians can only have the fun from here ,not bon here,bon there.

u fried chicken wing?

master said...


this is still a nice countyr to stay after brushing aside all the unwelcoming political uncertainties hovering over the blue sky.

but u continue to wad in the water enjoying the simple but meaningful life;let them fight till the end of the earth.