Friday, April 17, 2009

Shall our government help to stimulate our economy?

I am very impressed to see those countries with a government that is really caring and concern over the people.Every mean or strategy is levied to help boost the economy .The spending coupons are issued to the public to encourage spending.

There is no sign of the economy to be improved in the short term.It may deteriorate ,to be prudent.Most households,if not all,are on the alert mode not to spend but to save in case the rain might pour.This is just normal ;but the market will then be stagnant.The question is how to boost purchasing power?

On one hand ,we are urged to spend wisely but on the other hand,we are also encouraged to spend so as to activate the market.This is a dilemma for civilians.

How about the government step in to help?She is the most suitable person ;to issue spending coupons for the public.The recent stimulus package,though a huge sum,will not benefit the most civilians.Many still are in a state of poverty.The huge sum may only circulate among certain small corner at the expense of the big crowd.

To strengthen the financial situation of the market has to be backed up by a financial sound population.Both are crucial and the two have to work hand in hand.Our government should pay more and closer attention to US,Sarawakians.


robert said...

see,government lagging.master,right?

master said...


any wise suggestion?

townlover said...

narrow mind....our gov hasnt reached that std yet! their thinking is still in kindergarden level. see...oths countries. gov can do many things for their ppl.

master said...

she is too young ,or may be simply too old.she needs to be operated or undergo chemotherapic treatment.

ne.....nek said...

ahnek pun setuju. kerj kita ni, tak kasihan rakyatnya,hanya menyirap darah kita saja. nak makan nasi cha sao pun mahal.hanya boleh makan roti canai.

master said...

ah nek,

engkau sendiri mengasihan sendirilah;Tuhannuan pun sayang nuan.Jangan bimbing atau risau.

Ku memang berasa political scenario ialah membimbangkan dan kita berdoa saja negara ini akan amam dan harmoious.